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How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving Colorado Springs

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Parking lots and other paved areas don’t last forever. How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving Colorado Springs. They develop cracks over time. Some are small, while others develop into alligator cracks (yeah, they bite), sinkholes and full-fledged pavement surface potholes. And many can be quite dangerous, making your parking lot and paved areas a potential hazard to cars and pedestrians.

Don’t ignore cracks! If you do, it may be too late to repair – and you’ll be facing an expensive replacement bill.

Fortunately, there is one vital thing you can do to protect your pavement. It’s called sealcoating. Sealcoating your paved areas on a regular basis is a must to maintain the integrity of pavement. Experienced property managers, owners and developers know that the best way to protect their paved areas is to have them professionally seal coated every three to five years.

Here’s why you don’t want to wait:

  • Asphalt can wear down due to oxidation, causing cracks to form.
  • Cracks never get better – they only get worse.
  • As cracks spread and deepen, water can penetrate the surface to make your parking lot and other areas unstable.

Here’s why a regular sealcoating schedule will help your pavement last longer:

  • Inhibits surface oxidation and erosion
  • Prevents water from seeping to the asphalt base
  • Protects your pavement from the sun, chemicals, and oil and gas spills
  • Gives a good impression to employees, staff, customers, suppliers and visitors
  • Creates a smooth surface for parking lot striping and sweeping How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving
  • A full replacement of your asphalt can be expensive. You can avoid that expense if you get it professionally seal coated now. In fact, all asphalt paving companies agree that it can only be done while the weather is warm – so now is the time to hire a professional.

Go take a look at your pavement now. Got cracks? Do something about it before it’s too late: Call Neil at

(719) 332-4111

 or send us an email for a FREE onsite consultation. Let Paving Hayes pave your way to a safe, stable, long-lasting parking lot and more.

How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Parking Lot

Your asphalt surface will only last for as long as you allow it. How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving Colorado Springs

While the lifespan of your parking lot is largely at the mercy of the amount of traffic your asphalt surface sees, the type of traffic (passenger cars versus heavy equipment or machinery), and weather conditions, there are many things you can do to ensure that your parking lot endures for as long as possible.

Today, we’re going to provide you with six key tips for maintaining your parking lot. Let’s get started!

1. Sweep debris, leaves, and stones

Even with a brand new parking lot, you only need to wait a few days before debris, leaves, and stones start making their way onto your asphalt surface.

While these items may be seemingly harmless, it’s critical that you sweep your parking lot regularly. Not only do they detract from your company’s image and potentially deter customers but they may also get in the way of water runoff and proper drainage.

2. Stay on top of vegetation

Where there is water, sunlight, and dirt, you can be sure that there is the potential for weeds and other vegetation to grow. How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving Colorado Springs

Vegetation can easily spread underneath the surface of your pavement, expanding cracks and weakening your asphalt, so you’ll want to make sure you tackle this before it becomes a serious issue. How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving Colorado Springs

3. Remove oil stains

Where there are vehicles, there are also oil spills. Even the slow drip of oil from a passenger vehicle has the ability to break down and weaken your asphalt.

Fortunately, there are plenty of products you can use to get rid of oil stains. Keep them in stock and make an effort to remove oil stains as they occur.

How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving

4. Check for improper drainage

Improper drainage not only creates a potential hazard for vehicles but also directly impacts the life of your asphalt.

If you look out at your parking lot and notice that there are areas where pooling occurs and water isn’t running off properly, you may need to revisit drainage and make sure you install drains where standing water is a problem.

5. Fill in cracks and small holes

Particularly if you live in an area that sees a wide range of weather conditions, you can expect small cracks to form in your asphalt pavement over time. How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving Colorado Springs

While this issue may be inevitable, it shouldn’t be neglected. Filling in cracks will not only stop them from expanding into larger ones but it will also prevent rain, oil, and debris from spreading underneath the surface. This are our services https://pavcosprings.com/services/

6. Apply sealcoating as needed

Addressing repairs as needed is only one part of increasing the lifespan of your parking lot. You also want to be proactive in preventing damage to your asphalt surface before it happens.

Sealcoating will create a barrier between the elements and some of the more vulnerable areas of your asphalt.

Asphalt paving Leander tx, Asphalt paving Austin TX, Asphalt paving near me, Asphalt paving contractor, Best Asphalt paving company Need help paving, maintaining, or repairing your commercial parking lot?

Get in touch with the team at Paving Hayes today. We’d be happy to discuss your parking lot with you and create a maintenance plan that extends the life of your asphalt surface!

Learn about us: https://pavcosprings.com/about-us/

RESIDENTS UPDATE: https://pavcosprings.com/asphalt-paving-colorado-springs-residents-new-update/


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